Nylon Guys "Tribal Gathering"

This is the way my ideal man dresses! Tribal and punk-inspired with a bit of edge. An array of conflicting patterns against bold, bright colours on a bed of different textures... It's almost too great the styling in this editorial. I can't handle it. I die.

How awesome are those Just Cavalli greenery print pants? When it's not all about prints, it's about explosive colour. I think every guys (and girls) wardrobe has potential to create looks like these. It's so easy. If you think two things clash - great! You're on the right track. No item is off limits.

When combining patterns it's good to consider different scales, like the tiled checker ensemble below. Things get crazy, but they aren't fighting against each other.

Lanyards remind me of mall staff on their lunch break. Always cross-stepping through the crowds, rushing to grab their lunch before their half an hour of freedom is over. So busy busy, so stressful it is to be a retail assistant. This guy manages to make it look cool. But I'm like - what's the key for? His car? A bit dorky if so, but I like myself a bit of dorky.

The "Tribal Gathering" editorial will feature in Nylon Guys Magazine March 2012 issue!

Photographed by Willem Jaspert
Models: Dan Felton, Jimmy Q, Louis Yearwood

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