Boy & book on bus

Excuse my bus voyeurism but I just had to capture this moment! 

I was boarding the bus to work and behind me was just ya ordinary laidback, westie bloke in the standard hoody, dickies and (probably) Etnies skate shoes get up. He sits down and whips something out of his pocket. At first glance I thought it was a woodstock, but it was actually a novel that he read for the entire 40 minute ride!

Is it just me or is this a very rare occurrence? Curse my prejudice eye (even though my analyzations are normally correct) but it was just really nice to see. So let's revisit the old cliche saying "don't judge a book by it's cover".


  1. This is good. People should do this more often. I immediately see this man as fairly well educated even though he may look a littttle 'I like my cars, burnouts and my woodstock'

  2. What are book reading people supposed to dress like? I wouldn't look twice at this person reading nor assume someone dressed like him wouldn't read a novel.

  3. I looked twice simply because when you ride four buses each day as I do and see all the technology piling on and off, it's refreshing to see someone reading an actual book.
