Queens with hairy legs

Being gay myself, I'm not shocked by guys wearing lipstick or fake nails, nor do I care but it's when I see these things along with two hairy pins that my eye brows suddenly raise. Is this a new trend because I'm noticing it all over the place!

It's a concept I can't get my head around because if you're a guy who likes wearing dresses, wouldn't you want the silky smooth legs to match? You don't ever see drags with moustaches or armpit hair so I'm just like - why the legs?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason, I can shed some light on that... at least for a small part of the population that for all I know may only include me.

    Unlike many crossdressers, I don't consider myself a "woman trapped in a man's body" or a "gurl" or a "boi" or a "sissy" or any other of a number of code words that trip the trigger of their respective members. Not, I hope it goes without saying, that there's anything wrong with that.

    I just like wearing dresses and skirts. Apart from my odd clothing preferences, I'm straight guy through and through. No lipstick, no nail polish (hell, I rarely remember to trim or even clean my fingernails), no wigs, no fake boobs... I don't shave my face or my legs. I pick my nose and scratch Little Ralph in public, and I leave my clothes - both the jeans and t-shirts I wear in public and the satin blouses and velvet dresses I wear at home - in piles on the floor wherever I drop them when I take them off.

    So the short answer to your question is... because it's too damn much effort. The one or two times in my life I tried shaving my legs, it did feel nice, but it also took about three hours. My hair grows like kudzu. Shave my face, and ten minutes later I have beard shadow. Same for my legs... as nice as it felt, before the day was over they were already prickly and itching.

    If I did think of myself as female and/or want to pass and/or cared more about my appearance, I would probably look at longer-term solutions and most trannies do. But those of us who just want the clothes and not the lifestyle are hairy and proud of it :-)
